Sig Spiel !

'Standard' (30 days + 1 day/move, max 45 days)
This game is being played under Kriegspiel rules. Click the 'info' tab for more information.
1. Nc3 e5
Clock started on 10/21/2022
2. b3 f6 3. Bb2 a6 4. Rb1 d5 5. Na4 c5 6. Nf3 h6 7. g3 b6 8. Bg2 g5 9. Rg1 a5 10. Nh4 f5 11. a3 Nd7 12. b4 gxh4 13. gxh4 h5 14. bxc5 bxc5 15. Nxc5 Nxc5 16. e3 Nd7 17. Bf3 f4 18. exf4 exf4 19. Bxh8 Ngf6 20. Bg7 a4 21. Bxf8 Kxf8 22. Bxh5 Nxh5 23. Qxh5 Rb8 24. Qd1 Rxb1 25. Qxb1 Nc5 26. Ke2 f3+ 27. Kd1 Nd3 28. cxd3 Ba6 29. Kc2 Bxd3+ 30. Kxd3 d4 31. h5 Qg5 32. h6 Qf4 33. h7 Qxh2 34. Rg8+ Ke7 35. Qh1 Qxf2 36. h8=Q Qe3+ 37. dxe3 f2 38. exd4 f1=Q+ 39. Ke4 Qa1 40. Ra8 Qxa3 41. Re8+ Kd7 42. d5 Qd6 43. Q1a1 a3 44. Qxa3 Qxa3 45. Ra8 Qh3 46. Ra1 Qh4+ 47. Ke5 Qa4 48. Rh1 Qa5 49. Kf6 Qc5 50. Rh5 Qxd5 51. Rxd5+ Kc6 52. Rh5 Kb6 53. Kf7 Kc7 54. Rh7 Kd7 55. Qg7 Kd6 56. Rh8 Kd5 57. Rf8 Ke4 58. Kg8 Kd3 59. Rf6 Ke4 60. Kf8 Ke5 61. Qe7+ Kd5 62. Rd6+ Kc4 63. Ke8 Kc3 64. Kd8 Kc4 65. Qc7+ Kb5 66. Rb6+ Ka4 67. Kc8 Ka5 68. Kb8 Ka4 69. Qa7#
White win

The name for this game is German for "War Game". You do not see your opponent's forces.

Game Rules

The pieces are initially set up according to standard chess rules.

Your opponent's pieces and pawns are hidden. The following detailed visibility rules are in place:

  • all your pieces are visible,
  • all pieces belonging to the opponent are invisible (not displayed in any way),
  • you can not see which pieces you have taken
  • you are told after each move only how many pieces your opponent still has,
  • you are told after each move if you have captured a piece (for example, 'Rx?') However, you can not tell which type of piece you have captured.
  • Your opponent's moves are displayed as question marks (however, they are appended with '+' and '#' for check and mate, and '?xR' indicates you have just lost a rook! ).

8/8/8/8/2P5/N2PPN1P/PPQBBPP1/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1

Example Kriegspiel board after a few moves. There is no information which black pieces are present on the board and where they are placed.

Piece movement is exactly as in standard chess. However, the first legal move that you attempt to make is final. There is no Submit button! This means that when it is your turn to move, and you pick up a piece and drop it in any (legal!) square, that constitutes your move - no takebacks!

You may try illegal moves, in such case the attempt fails and you can try something else.

The game is ended with mate, resignation, stalemate (which is draw), or draw agreement. There is no 50-move rule, or 3-fold repetition (you can't know whether they happened, after all).

Note: if you wish to resign, you must enter a move with your resignation (select Resign and then make any move), since there is no submit button.


Elementary tips

  • Many players test all possible pawn captures before attempting any other moves. Since a pawn move is different from a capture, this allows the player to attempt these pawn captures before committing to a non-capture move.
  • Just as in standard chess, you must get out of check as your first priority. However, one clever thing to do when in check is to attempt all possible captures that might remove the check situation, before attempting other ways of eliminating check.
  • It makes sense to keep all your pieces protected, if one of your pieces disappear, you can recapture.

Game strategy

It is very important to understand that the mindset for playing chess well is completely different from the mindset for playing Kriegspiel well. Chess played well is predominantly about offence. Kriegspiel played well is predominantly about defence. Chess involves reasoning from complete knowledge. Kriegspiel involves reasoning from incomplete knowledge. In fact, a very useful trait for kriegspiel is paranoia.

All rules below should be treated as a rules of thumb. They have a point, but there are always exceptions dictated by extenuating circumstances.

The value of the pieces is a bit different than in standard chess. I would rate the relative strength of the pieces as follows: queen 7; rook 4; bishop 3; knight 2; pawn 2 (because pawn promotion is very common); and king 3. Vulnerability to attack means the spread in strength of pieces is less.

For as long as possible make sure as many of your pieces as possible are supported by as many of your pieces as possible. In other words, always think in terms of defensive structure when making moves, especially early in the game. Defend everything possible because you don't know where an attack will come from.

Hide you stronger pieces in out of the way places or behind weaker pieces.

Always check for possible pawn captures.

During a series of exchanges always capture with the weakest piece available first and stronger pieces later.

Be cautious in attacks. When deciding to attack a square threaten the square with as many pieces as possible and generally push the attack as long as possible. Attack with your weaker pieces first and your stronger pieces later.

Do not put the opposing king in check gratuitously. That can provide information about your position, but when you do put the king in check that can be a very important piece of information to have.

Be aggressive (but not too aggressive) with your king. Discovering where it can't move can provide a wealth of information as to your opponent's position.

Study your opponent's games before you play them. Noticing early opening tendencies can often give you a leg up in constructing your defence or even allow for an early ambush.

Conversely, try to avoid particular tendencies in your own early game.

Be patient. It's rare that you have to rush into anything and you're more likely than not to simply stumble into trouble.

Example Endgame Study

Contrary to common perceptions, it is not that very difficult to create checkmate late in the endgame with only a king and queen against a bare king.

Divide and Conquer: The first task is to setup the queen in the centre. The board will then be divided into four quadrants or corrals (the insurmountable fence represented by shades.)

4?3/4?3/4?3/4?3/????Q???/3K?3/4?3/4?3 w KQkq - 0 1

Now we know the opponent's king is trapped in one of the four quadrants. But where exactly?

Search and Destroy: The second task is to find the opponent's king. The white king has to move and roam from quadrant to quadrant until it meets resistance. When the king can't move into a target square we know the other king is nearby.

Going back to the above diagram, (assuming the lower left quadrant [a1-d3] has already been thoroughly searched and cleared,) now let's say white tried to move 1.Ke2 but was unable to. Resistance, that means the other king is in one of two (2) possible squares (shaded for demonstration.)

8/8/8/8/4Q3/3K4/5?2/5?2 w KQkq - 0 1

Apply the Squeeze: Now tactics comes into play 1.Qe3 [further reducing the quadrant area] ? 2.Ke4 ? 3.Kf4 ? 4.Kg4 ?

8/8/8/8/6K1/4Q3/6??/5?1? w KQkq - 0 1

Now the other king could be in one of the four (4) different squares (again shaded for demo only).

5.Qd2 [again squeeze!] [not 5.Kg3 right away because there's a real good possibility of stalemate] ?

8/8/8/8/6K1/8/3Q4/5??? w KQkq - 0 1

6.Kg3 ? 7.Qd1# 

Of course there are other ways to skin a cat.

Example games

Note, that while playing, players did not see opponent pieces.

  • K+R+B vs. King. - Here's a nice endgame tactics . Once surfnsuds has pinpointed black's whereabouts, there's no escape from his accurate and scheming mind. This game also shows how important it is for the king to support the other pieces in the endgame.
  • A short longshot. - A lucky miniature. Must see.
  • Against all odds. (I am still smarting over this one! - suds)
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The Action Bar

The Action Bar is the most important part of the game screen, this is where you interact with the game by entering moves, conditional moves, comments, draw offers, resignations, and much more (if you are not viewing one of your own games, the Action Bar is not shown).  The Action Bar is in four parts, from left to right:

  1. The Move Input Box: where your move or conditional move is shown; it is possible to type into this box, but not recommended, you can enter your move by dragging and dropping the pieces on the board.
  2. The Action Selection Dropdown: this is where you select the action you want to do, for example, move, enter a comment, accept a draw offer, claim a draw, etc.  Only the actions which are relevant to the current game are shown.
  3. The Continue Button: this button sends your action back to our server; sometimes you might see a pop-up text box before the action is sent, this is so that you can write a message to your opponent.  You can set your preferences so that this box is always shown to confirm you move (under the "Chess Board" tab "Confirm moves before committing), some people find this helpful as a "blunder check".
  4. The Next Game button: clicking the button will take you to the next game for which it is your move.

The Game Information Panel

Under the Action Bar, you should find the Game Information Panel.  This gives you more information about the game; because there is too much information to see on one screen here, it is arranged into "tab"; you can move between the various screens by clicking the buttons, from left to right:

  1. Game Overview: this tab shows the full history of the game, including comments (you cannot read the comments from another player's game, unless the game is marked as "public"), leave taken, etc.  You can click the moves to see the position on the chess board.
  2. Hide Comments: this tab shows the moves of the game only, without the distraction of the comments shown on the game overview tab.
  3. Material Balance: this tab shows the captured pieces in the game.  If you are playing CrazyHouse chess, or a similar game, you can drag pieces from here to the board to make a "drop".
  4. Tags: You can "tag" games, this makes it easier to come back to games, you can find the games you have tagged from the game database screen.
  5. Variant Information: this tab is available for some chess variants, it will show you a description of the variant.
  6. Opening Book: In standard chess games, this tab will show you information about the chess opening you have been playing, taken from the Game Explorer.
  7. Analysis Board: Opening this tab will overlay an "analysis board" on the main chess board; you can move the pieces around freely on this board to try out various ideas in the game.
  8. Engine Analysis: This tab allows you to analyse the game using a chess engine; because the use of engines is not allowed on SchemingMind, this tab is not available for ongoing games.
  9. Share: The share tab will allow you to share your game on social media (if someone becomes a member by following one of your links, you will be rewarded with a complimentary extension to your full membership); you can also download the game as either an animated GIF or in PGN format, and you can copy the current position to your clipboard in FEN format.
  10. Help: If you are reading this, you have already figured out what the help button does!

The Chess Board

The chess board shows the current position in your game; if it is your move, or if you can enter a conditional move, you can drag and drop the pieces on the chess board.

If you wish to castle, simply drag your king over the rook on the side you wish to castle on.  When you promote a pawn, you will see a pop-up prompting you to select the promoted piece.

We have a number of different designs for chess boards and pieces, you can select the one you prefer from your personal preferences.

Under the chess board is a navigation toolbar (this toolbar looks slightly different if you are looking at the analysis board).

From left to right:

  • Settings: This button will bring up your chess board and pieces display settings.
  • Move to Start: This button will show the start position of the game.
  • Previous Move: This button will move position shown on the board back one move.
  • Next Move: This button will show the next position on the board.
  • Last Move: This button will show the current position on the board.
  • Flip: This button will show the board from the other player's perspective (by default you see games from White's perspective unless you are Black; you can select an option to always show the board from White's perspective in your personal preferences).
  • Animate: If you are not looking at the last move in the game, this button will animate the game from the shown position to the last move.
  • Stop Animation: This button will stop the animation.

View this article in the Knowledge Base.

Chess Board

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