2017 Chess Variants Dropout Tournament, CrazyHse

'Fast' (10 days + 1 day/move, max 30 days)
This game is being played under CrazyHouse rules. Click the 'info' tab for more information.
1. e4 e6
Clock started on 03/10/2017
2. d4 Nf6 3. Bd3 c5 4. e5 Nd5 5. c3 cxd4 6. cxd4 Nb4 7. Nf3 N8c6 8. Nc3 Nxd3+ 9. Qxd3 Nb4 10. Qd2 B@d3 11. a3 Nc2+ 12. Kd1 Nxa1 13. Qxd3 Nb3 14. N@d6+ Bxd6 15. exd6 Nxc1 16. Kxc1 Qb6 17. B@e7 B@d8 18. Bxd8 Qxd6 19. B@e7 Qxe7 20. Bxe7 Kxe7 21. B@d6+ Kxd6 22. Q@c5#
White win

Perhaps the most fitting name of all the variants. This one is a very aggressive game, full of all-or-nothing attacks and sudden counter-strikes. Normal chess, with extra concept of piece drop.

The rules

Crazyhouse is played like standard chess, except that pieces you capture become yours to use as you wish on a future turn (and vice versa for your opponent). Instead of your normal move, you can "drop" a captured piece on any empty square on the board, including checking (or checkmating) the King. Pawns cannot be dropped on the 1st or 8th rank, and if a promoted pawn is captured, it reverts back to a pawn (so be sure you know which Queen you are hunting!).

The positions which appear on the board during CrazyHouse game are legal chess positions, only the moves are different.

Here on SchemingMind, view captured material via the "Material" tab. Here you can click on any piece of your opponent's colour, and then drag it to the square you wish to place it. In game notation, @ symbol is used for piece drops, for instance N@f3 means dropping knight on f3.

Tips and Strategy

Crazyhouse is all about initiative.

General Strategy

Since captured pieces keep coming back into play, there are no endgames in Crazyhouse, and games are normally won by mating attacks. In typical Crazyhouse game both sides develop, exchange some pieces, try to create hooks for an attack in the enemy camp, finally direct attack is unleashed by one of the players, and either succeeds, or faces counter-strike.

Be aware of open, weakly-defended squares in your position and your opponent’s, especially around the king. These squares make ideal targets to drop pieces. For that reason, it is best not to move too many pawns, as this will create holes on your second and third ranks, which can later be exploited. A common strategy is to use a chain of pieces to infiltrate the opponent’s territory. For example, a connected chain of pawns can exploit holes in the opponent’s pawn structure, or a knight on the fifth rank can support pieces dropped onto the sixth and seventh ranks.

It often happens, that both players have attacking chances against the king, and the game becomes a race to see which attack can succeed first. In these situations, try to plan your attack so that every move is a check, that way the opponent never has a free move. If you are on the defensive, and the opponent plays a move that is not check, before you play a defensive move, or make an automatic recapture, look to see if you can launch a forcing attack of your own.


Material balance is relatively unimportant in Crazyhouse (compared to standard chess), and it often pays off to sacrifice material in order to expose the opponent’s king. On the other hand, one cannot be careless with material, because pieces captured by the opponent can come back to hurt you later.

It is hard to estimate the relative value of different pieces in Crazyhouse, since the specific situation often dictates what piece is most useful. In general, the ranking of pieces in hand (i.e. available to drop), from strongest to weakest, is queen > knight > rook > bishop. The pawn value depends on count - one pawn can be valued similarly to bishop, but four pawns at hand are often worth a queen.

Knights are very strong, because it is impossible to defend against a knight check with a dropped piece. The high value of pawns is due to the ability to place them on the seventh rank, threatening to promote. Also, because each piece type has unique tactical uses, it is usually best to have a variety of pieces in hand (for example pawn plus rook plus knight is generally better than three pawns, or three rooks, or three knights).

Non-standard material configurations are quite frequent. It can happen, that four white knights fight against four dark square black bishops, or two queens face three rooks.


While many tactical patterns known from standard chess apply also in Crazyhouse, the concept of piece drop changes a lot.

First, it is important to distinguish contact check from remote check. Contact check is a check, which can not be refuted with defensive piece drop - given from the square next to the king, or given by knight (double check also can serve the same purpose). Contact checks are usually preferred - and stronger - than remote ones. Mates given by remote rook are almost impossible. Mates given by knight are very frequent.

While calculating and organising an attack, the pieces kept at hand (by both attacker, and defender) are often more important than pieces already present on the board. In fact, it often happens that the whole attack is developed by dropped pieces only.

Contrary to the standard chess, piece exchanges do not help the defender. Exchanged pieces go back to the attacker hand, and can be freely dropped on any suitable square.

One common mating motif is to first give check with a knight, and then on the next move drop a piece (usually a queen or a rook) on the square just vacated by the opponent’s king.

Beware of knight forks, if opponent have knight at hand (or can easily capture one), try to cover all the squares where fork (especially major fork) could happen. One frequent mistake - white castles and while regrouping his forces, puts the queen to g3. Suddenly black knight is dropped on e2, game over.

Watch out also the smothered mates (or try to construct them, they are beautiful).

Example games

  • Good Old Fashioned Crazyhouse - interesting game showing many crazyhouse-specific maneouvres (sacrifice on f2, attack on weak g7, drops inside enemy camp),
  • Drag the king to death - characteristical middlegame attack, keeping initiative and preparing mate net via the sequence of close checks (also note that earlier white used 3 bishops, and black 3 knights)
  • Push a king too far - Black's early attack is strong and forces White to run his King, but after several key captures White turns the tables and counter attacks with viscous force.
  • F7 sacrifice - f7 sacrifice, supported by dropped pawn chain, and additional sac to totally expose black king.
  • Attacking pawn - such opening would fail in standard chess, but worked perfectly here.
  • Tempi or material - white outplays black in the opening, but tries to consume the material too early. With queens exchanged, counterattack is unstoppable.
  • See also opening traps games selected by Space

Additional note about Bughouse

For many people Crazyhouse is a single-man version of bughouse. Bughouse is a game played on two boards between two pairs, the rules are the same as those of Crazyhouse, but the pieces you take can be used by your partner, not by you (this make it suitable for play live - there is no need to change piece colour, you just pass the taken piece to your partner). The side winning on any board (by checkmate or on time) wins the whole game.

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The Action Bar is the most important part of the game screen, this is where you interact with the game by entering moves, conditional moves, comments, draw offers, resignations, and much more (if you are not viewing one of your own games, the Action Bar is not shown).  The Action Bar is in four parts, from left to right:

  1. The Move Input Box: where your move or conditional move is shown; it is possible to type into this box, but not recommended, you can enter your move by dragging and dropping the pieces on the board.
  2. The Action Selection Dropdown: this is where you select the action you want to do, for example, move, enter a comment, accept a draw offer, claim a draw, etc.  Only the actions which are relevant to the current game are shown.
  3. The Continue Button: this button sends your action back to our server; sometimes you might see a pop-up text box before the action is sent, this is so that you can write a message to your opponent.  You can set your preferences so that this box is always shown to confirm you move (under the "Chess Board" tab "Confirm moves before committing), some people find this helpful as a "blunder check".
  4. The Next Game button: clicking the button will take you to the next game for which it is your move.

The Game Information Panel

Under the Action Bar, you should find the Game Information Panel.  This gives you more information about the game; because there is too much information to see on one screen here, it is arranged into "tab"; you can move between the various screens by clicking the buttons, from left to right:

  1. Game Overview: this tab shows the full history of the game, including comments (you cannot read the comments from another player's game, unless the game is marked as "public"), leave taken, etc.  You can click the moves to see the position on the chess board.
  2. Hide Comments: this tab shows the moves of the game only, without the distraction of the comments shown on the game overview tab.
  3. Material Balance: this tab shows the captured pieces in the game.  If you are playing CrazyHouse chess, or a similar game, you can drag pieces from here to the board to make a "drop".
  4. Tags: You can "tag" games, this makes it easier to come back to games, you can find the games you have tagged from the game database screen.
  5. Variant Information: this tab is available for some chess variants, it will show you a description of the variant.
  6. Opening Book: In standard chess games, this tab will show you information about the chess opening you have been playing, taken from the Game Explorer.
  7. Analysis Board: Opening this tab will overlay an "analysis board" on the main chess board; you can move the pieces around freely on this board to try out various ideas in the game.
  8. Engine Analysis: This tab allows you to analyse the game using a chess engine; because the use of engines is not allowed on SchemingMind, this tab is not available for ongoing games.
  9. Share: The share tab will allow you to share your game on social media (if someone becomes a member by following one of your links, you will be rewarded with a complimentary extension to your full membership); you can also download the game as either an animated GIF or in PGN format, and you can copy the current position to your clipboard in FEN format.
  10. Help: If you are reading this, you have already figured out what the help button does!

The Chess Board

The chess board shows the current position in your game; if it is your move, or if you can enter a conditional move, you can drag and drop the pieces on the chess board.

If you wish to castle, simply drag your king over the rook on the side you wish to castle on.  When you promote a pawn, you will see a pop-up prompting you to select the promoted piece.

We have a number of different designs for chess boards and pieces, you can select the one you prefer from your personal preferences.

Under the chess board is a navigation toolbar (this toolbar looks slightly different if you are looking at the analysis board).

From left to right:

  • Settings: This button will bring up your chess board and pieces display settings.
  • Move to Start: This button will show the start position of the game.
  • Previous Move: This button will move position shown on the board back one move.
  • Next Move: This button will show the next position on the board.
  • Last Move: This button will show the current position on the board.
  • Flip: This button will show the board from the other player's perspective (by default you see games from White's perspective unless you are Black; you can select an option to always show the board from White's perspective in your personal preferences).
  • Animate: If you are not looking at the last move in the game, this button will animate the game from the shown position to the last move.
  • Stop Animation: This button will stop the animation.

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