CT Class 3 #433 Standard Chess

1  capablanca1½101---13½/57.25
2  Phillip Beckett20½01-1-13½/6½3.75
3  Allan Sedstrem30101----2/407
4  kenneth m day4--0-----0/100
5  Simon Green40-0-----0/200

Tournament Details

  • This Is a Double round robin tournament (all-play-all With both colours).
  • One point is awarded for each win, half a point for a draw.
  • This is a private mini-tournament, which means that it is only open to players tagged by the tournanment organiser.
  • All games will be played under Standard Chess rules.
  • The time control is 'Standard' (30 days + 1 day/move, max 45 days).
  • Games will be public.
  • This mini-tournament was started by spoke.
  • Games will be started before the closing date, as new players join the tournament.

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CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Phillip Beckett
 44 Days, 13 Hours
Simon Green
 21 Days, 1 Hour
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Simon Green
Black win
Phillip Beckett
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Phillip Beckett
 44 Days, 17 Hours
kenneth m day
 25 Days, 19 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
kenneth m day
Black win
Phillip Beckett
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
kenneth m day
 19 Days, 10 Hours
Simon Green
 20 Days, 5 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Simon Green
 20 Days, 12 Hours
kenneth m day
 21 Days, 23 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Allan Sedstrem
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Phillip Beckett
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
kenneth m day
 31 Days, 8 Hours
Allan Sedstrem
 33 Days, 13 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Allan Sedstrem
 32 Days, 0 Hours
kenneth m day
 20 Days, 0 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Simon Green
 20 Days, 18 Hours
Allan Sedstrem
 45 Days, 0 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Allan Sedstrem
 44 Days, 19 Hours
Simon Green
 19 Days, 19 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Phillip Beckett
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
 45 Days, 0 Hours
kenneth m day
 14 Days, 6 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
kenneth m day
 14 Days, 16 Hours
 45 Days, 0 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
 45 Days, 0 Hours
Simon Green
 20 Days, 5 Hours
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Simon Green
Black win
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess
Black win
Allan Sedstrem
CT Class 3 #433
Standard Chess

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