Chess Ants benedict960 internal MT Benedict960

1  sythymesnos11111116/6
2  surkimus20011114/6
3  echecs30000112/6
4  surfnsuds40000000/6

About Tournament

This is for Chess Ants experience building. Please offer playing tips and describe what you're doing in order to help other members of the team learn the variant. It's a friendly educational match!

Tournament Details

  • This Is a Double round robin tournament (all-play-all With both colours).
  • One point is awarded for each win, half a point for a draw.
  • This is a private mini-tournament, which means that it is only open to players tagged by the tournanment organiser.
  • Please note that this is a Chess Variant tournament, all games will be played under 'Benedict960' rules - please do not enter unless you wish to play this chess variant.
  • The time control is 'Standard' (30 days + 1 day/move, max 45 days).
  • Games will be public.
  • This mini-tournament was started by surfnsuds.
  • Games will be started before the closing date, as new players join the tournament.

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