The Best of the Best Benedict 960 Players Benedict960

1  Apocalypse111111111111½11111117½/18
2  Ryan200110110111111111114/18
3  theboxdeluxe300001010111111111112/18
4  Ursus4000110½½101011011110/18
5  Lanaroon5001010½½0110½101119½/18
6  surkimus60000001001½11011118½/18
7  Dragon Fire7½0000010100½1011118/18
8  sythymesnos8000000000½101011116½/18
9  TheTrainer90000000101000000013/18
10  andu100000000000000000011/18

About Tournament

Hoping for a strong tournament.

Tournament Details

  • This Is a Double round robin tournament (all-play-all With both colours).
  • One point is awarded for each win, half a point for a draw.
  • This is a public mini-tournament, which means that it is open to all players meeting any criteria listed here.
  • Please note that this is a Chess Variant tournament, all games will be played under 'Benedict960' rules - please do not enter unless you wish to play this chess variant.
  • The time control is 'Fast' (10 days + 1 day/move, max 30 days).
  • Games will be public.
  • This mini-tournament was started by surkimus.
  • The winner and first and second runners up in this tournament will earn a SchemingMind Master norm.
  • The winner and first runner up in this tournament will earn a SchemingMind Senior Master norm.
  • Games will be started before the closing date, as new players join the tournament.

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