I am The Duke of Spring Grove.
Mr. Reed was merely watering plants. Mr. Reed was merely watering plants. Mr. Reed was merely watering plants. Sister Barnes wants to become the belief they are that spiritually fed as well.
Mr. Reed can never be a Mormon, an iota. Sister Barnes can only see through the lens of belief and never disbelief. And that lens is always a lie on fire.
And nobody is a heretic against a single denomination. Nobody understands Heretic.
Why can't Sister Barnes and Sister Paxton ask for water instead of soda?
"Sister Barnes, bound to the structure of her own lens, can only see thirst through doctrine—she does not ask for water because water alone does not exist in her world; it must always be named something else, framed as something greater. To ask for water would be to acknowledge simplicity, to strip away the grand narrative, to admit that sometimes thirst is just thirst.
But a heretic—if anyone truly understood Heretic—would know that naming something does not change its nature. That water is always water, whether or not you believe in it."
Here I play the ultimatum of the Landlord's Game: The Duke of Spring Grove wishes to acquire something from Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi. Not yet Spring Grove, West Thames.